Let not the
of the writer
offend thee
whether he be
of great or small
but let
the love of
pure truth
draw thee to read.

On the
Lighter Side

Anyone may
contribute whether
of great or
small learning.


Please be peaceful with all the writers.  I want you to know I love you.

The New Moon is on April 1, 2003 at 12:18 p.m. Mountain Standard Time. According to the Naval Observatory

An Article
On the
Emergency Room

My Church can beat
 up on your Church

Which of these 3
 helped the girl?

Filters blurs brethrens vision


 Where did we get this?

Audio Bible




  If you wish to participate in this page, and you have a positive comment or article, it will be welcomed.

           This page is for everyone to work with, think about, look at all sides, 
and enjoy the study.   
for Iron Sharpening Iron.



Everywhere we turn today it seems we are beset by self-proclaimed "prophets" trying to make a profit by predicting the future for us. We can read our daily horoscope in the local newspaper, consult a palm reader in our area, read what the ten leading psychics predict will befall Liz Taylor, or tune in to radio evangelists proclaiming what the Bible foretells for the future. Most of these prognosticators do well to have a prophetic batting average as high as .200. Looked at another way, these seers are wrong more than 80% of the time! It's no wonder these "prophets" fare so poorly, according to Roderick Meredith, for only one organization on earth today is being used by God and only that one fully understands prophecy:

"The popular, denominationally supported evangelists often make statements like this: 'I believe that God may use Russia to punish America for her sins.' Or, 'It now seems likely that World War III may come within five years.'... They use the words 'may,' 'could,' or 'might.'... The truth of the matter is that they dare not be specific about the future because they just do not know what the Bible says is going to happen!  But on 'The World Tomorrow' broadcast and in this magazine we have dared to unlock the Bible prophecies and apply them to specific nations and events that are now being affected.

"There is no other church or work on the face of this earth that either understands or dares to proclaim these vital warnings!... This is the very Work of God!... You are now being warned!" (The Plain Truth, Roderick Meredith, Aug. 1957, p. 6.)

To God, prophesying falsely is not a light matter. The Bible carries dozens of warnings from God for Christians to watch out for false prophets who "through covetousness" with "feigned words" shall "make merchandise" of them (II Peter 2:3, KJV). (The RSV renders it: "In their greed they will exploit you with false words.")

Mature Bible Teachings

An open mind should not be mistaken for an open dumpster.

Let not the authority of the writer offend thee whether he be of great or small learning;   but let the love of pure truth draw thee to read.

   We have a dream. Someday, quiet people leading lives of unheralded virtue and real productivity will be honored. Someday all people, will realize that the real heroes aren't the ones giving speeches filled with bombastic rhetoric.  
   Real heroes are quietly doing real work: building houses, writing software, farming, nursing the elderly,  teaching, parenting the young, living peacefully, sewing clothes,  - the whole cornucopia of human endeavor that actually results in better lives for real people.

Behold the turtle. He makes progress only when he sticks his neck out.
This page may be of that thought...


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                                                      The Proper Handling of Prophecy

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