Place of Safety note:

By David Foster


I took a look at the web site about the place of safety. I haven't read them
yet but I will this evening. Long ago I prove to my self that the book of
Revelation was originally in the Hebrew Language. Just two small examples
the Greek says  "says that Jesus will return with His name "on His foot"
clearly corrected to "banner". The only possibility was (is) the Hebrew word
is  "foot" or "banner" by the addition or omission of a viewpoint.  The other
: We are all familiar with the 666 thing  But only in the Hebrew dose
"Lord of Lord King of Kings"  come out to   "777". I then did a word study
on the word "safety" and there are two Hebrew word that can be translated
as "place" and one of them is also translated as  "CONDITION". 
 Pleas do a word study on this as you have more recourses than I do. I did
this word study some 12 years ago and my note were lost in South Dakota
when I had my heart failure so I will have to do it all over again. I'm
saying this before reading your articles. So let me know what you come up
David Foster, 741 1/2 N. Lincoln St. ,Casper,WY.  307-473-2841
Have a great Sabbath and Holy Days.