Tim Moore's comment on HWA

Since we know he switched form keeping a Sivan 6 Pentecost and Nissan 15
passover very early, it follows that he must have kept Monday Pentecost
in 1934 too.  Add 40 years and we come to January, 1974 when the
doctrine on how to count Pentecost was changed.  Am I missing
something?  One of the Revealed Truths Mr. Armstrong continually focused
on was the period of 40 years.  It appears to me that after a period of
40 years the testing began with the change to Sunday Pentecost.


HWA Article



                          The BULLETIN of the CHURCHES of GOD in Oregon


Vol. I. No. 12                                           April, 1934


       The BULLETIN is issued, the Lord willing,
the first of each month.  Address news or letters for the

       Bulletin to Herbert W. Armstrong, editor, Crow Stage,

       Eugene, Oregon.





     The Eugene meetings have started!  The full force of the

three-point campaign is now being exerted.

     The Lord has honored and blessed the inception of this

campaign for souls beyond our most extravagant hopes.

     Purely as a result of answered prayer, the Eugene meetings are

starting in the best available location and auditorium in Eugene --

the former Masonic Temple, at 47 Eighth Ave., West, only one-half

block off the main business street and in the very heart of the

downtown business district.  This auditorium will seat around 300,

and in every way is ideally adapted to our purpose.

     It has been decided to hold these meetings Sunday, Tuesday,

and Thursday nights, instead of six nights a week as formerly

planned.  Since every message will be a vital connecting link in

the chain of truth to be proclaimed, we felt it would prove more

effective to have fewer meetings, with every interested person

attending every meeting, than six meetings a week with the

majority attending only half of them.

     Further, too, the work at Jeans must not stop.  It would be

impossible to do full justice to the meetings at both Jeans and

Eugene, in addition to the radio campaign, and the Plain Truth

magazine and the Bulletin, holding six meetings a week in Eugene.

Meetings will be held at Jeans on the Sabbath, in the afternoon,

and on Wednesday nights.

     We cannot, at this writing, give a report on the attendance at

the Eugene meetings, due to the fact that this is being written

previous to the opening meeting.  The meetings will start Sunday

night, April 1st, at 7:45.

     There are definite evidences that the radio campaign is taking

hold and increasing rapidly in interest.  Based on surveys that

have been made in Eugene, compared with the letters we are

receiving and checked with other ministers conducting similar

radio programs in other places, there is evidence that the weekly

radio audience is now in excess of three thousand people.

     Radio listeners now are writing in that they are receiving new

truths thru the Plain Truth magazine, and we praise God that these

truths are being accepted.

     Now that all three points of this campaign are in full

operation, we want again to ask every reader of the Bulletin to

stand with us.  You, too, have a part in this campaign for souls.

     First, dear brethren, won't you now PRAY for the salvation of

souls in these meetings, as you never prayed before?  Let's get

down to real earnest!  God has shown that His hand is in this

effort.  But it is God's method to work thru human agencies, and

there must be intercessors praying for the mighty convicting power

of the Holy Spirit to lead sinners to repentance, if a harvest is

to be reaped.  God has given us all opportunity such as we never

had before in Oregon.  Get under the burden with us.  We need the

united pouring out of our hearts to God in soul-travail and

intercession for others.

     And then remember that this bigger down-town auditorium means

added expense.  Yet we have never paid lower rent for a hall in

this state, to the knowledge of the writer.  It is not an

extravagant, but a most economical campaign, when the magnitude

of its possibilities is considered.  Nevertheless it takes money

to carry it. We (are) pledged only $7.50 per month to meet

expenses. So, brethren, we send you an urgent appeal to keep this

campaign going .... (unreadable) ....




     One of the most wonderful meetings ever held in this state,

was the general enthusiastic opinion of those who attended the

all-day union meeting held Sabbath March 24th at Jeans.

     The school-house, where the Jeans church meets, was packed to

capacity, with all available extra seats and benches in use.

     It was good to see Bro. and Sister Cozad back with us again,

from Texas.  Sister Mary Tompkins came 200 miles from Olatskanie

to attend the meeting.  But it was decided that the grand old man

of the Firbutte-Jeans community, Bro. Chas. Belshaw, had taken the

longest journey to attend -- one or more than 82 years.

     Bro. Ervin Stewart of Salem, formerly of Grande Ronde, and his

mother attended, and Bro. Stewart led the singing.  Special music

was furnished by Bro. Wyche and daughters, Claude and Velma Ellis,

the radio singers, little Elizabeth Venes of Jeans church, and a

quartette by Irene Peterson, Claude and Velma Ellis, and Otto


     The editor spoke in the morning, and Bro. Stewart and Bro.

Oberg in the afternoon, Bro. Oberg closing his sermon and the day

with a good testimony meeting.  After dismissal, many believers

remained for special prayer for healing, several being prayed for

by the four elders present, with the laying on of hands and

anointing with oil.

     The one regret was Bro. Ray's inability to be present and take

charge of the meeting.

     Due to the fact the church building is not now being used in

Salem, the April meeting will be held at Oregon City.  Remember the

date, April 28th, the last Sabbath in the month.  Real progress is

being made at Oregon City, and interest and attendance increasing,

for which we praise God.



                      LORD'S SUPPER HELD


     The most solemn and sacred event of the year was observed in

taking the Lord's Supper on Thursday night, March 29th, calculated

as the 14th Nisen, Hebrew calendar.



                   LETTERS FROM THE BRETHREN


Dear Brethren:

     The Bulletin came again like a visitor.  Glad to see it again.

I read and re-read it. We'd miss it if it did not come. It keeps us

informed of what is going on with our .... (unreadable) .... little

band of Church of God people.

     I wondered what I should write today.  God gave me St. John

3rd chapter, and I read where Nicodemus came to Jesus, and Jesus

answered and said unto him, "Verily, verily, I say unto thee,

except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God".  So

now dear brothers and sisters, we see how necessary it is to be

born again, and sanctified.  We can't see spiritually unless we

are.  So seek it with your whole heart.  Keep seeking until you


     I pray God to give us more faith, more love, so we can go to

those in need of encouragement.  By working, praying, giving, we

pay but the debt that we owe.  We had to do without some things

that we needed to send in our tithe, but we have been so

wonderfully blest.  God tells us to prove Him.  He stands the test.

He gives pressed down, heaped up, and running over.  We are robbing

God when we fail to tithe.  He tells us so -- Malachi 4:8.  Read the

whole chapter.  Tithing is an act of worship.  God wants obedience.

We are cursed with a curse, even this whole nation, because people

don't tithe.  I pray God to stir up every one's heart along that

line.  If ever so small, tithe it, and just see how God sends a

blessing.  I hope the money comes for the broadcasting -- let's all

pray that it will, then GIVE, even if you have to sacrifice.   It

will bless you double.  Try it and see.

     I am letting my light shine.  Have a tract holder nailed up

by the door.  It's handy to give out tracts.  I hope someone can

come here and hold a meeting.  I am keeping up the interest.  I

ask your prayers for the neighbors, relatives, and our home.   May

the Lord bless you all.

                          -- Sister Mary Tompkins.


    Love is like a rose. The longer it grows, the bigger it


    No water can quench it.

    Nor trials can drench it.

    For the longer love grows, the stronger it grows.

    Love is pure, sweet and kind, and it never will mind

    The temptations and crosses, or gains or losses, as longs

        as it grows.

    Love is simple, strong and enduring,

    Nor is it daunted by things alluring;

    Is considerate, kind and true,

    Is loyal when tried and proven,

    Though hard it may be driven.

                          -- Sister Clara Baumgardner.


     Due to lack of space in this issue, acknowledgement of

offerings for the radio, Bulletin-Plain Truth, and Eugene

meetings will appear in the May number.