From Jim Hamby,  (Notes)

I found out that HWA did not contact  the Jews as he had said on a tape and the world wide news, instead in adear brethren letter dated February 11 1974, he says he changed Pentecost to Sunday after contacting the following people:

Dr. Herbert C. May (Chairman of the commitittee for continuing revision of the Revised Standard Version, now called the common bible and accepted by the protestents.

Dr. Harold Lindsell (member of the Revised standard Bible Commiteeand author of the marginal references for the RSV.

William Sanford Lasor(translator of three Old Testament Books in the Berkley Version

Luther Wiegle (Retired chairman of the old testament translators of the RSV

Dr. Mole (assistant to the late Dr. Charles H. Dodd , head of the commitee on the English Bible.

Seems to me Rich has a lot better argument than this letter indicates.