Herman Smeenk

Thoughts on Mordakhai Joseph letter
10/23/02 First Draft


I've also spent time meditating on the explanation that Mordakhai Joseph sent me concerning why he observes Shiva 6 as the day of Pentecost.  I've read the instructions in Leviticus 23:15 & 16 several times.  Finally it hit me what the key passages were:  7 complete weeks or Sabbaths and the day after the 7th Sabbath.  He claims that the first day of unleavened bread is the Sabbath the bible talks about and the wave sheaf is cut the day following that day.  But if he considers that to be the Sabbath, then the 2nd Sabbath would be less than one full week from that Sabbath, especially if the first day of unleavened bread happens to fall in the middle of the week, or even if it falls on a Friday.  Also, if the first day is a Sabbath then the last day must also be a Sabbath.  In that case, there are four Sabbaths within a two week period.  So God could not possibly have considered the first and last days as Sabbaths as He considers the weekly Sabbath, but rather calls them days of rest but allows the preparation of meals on those days.  That is not allowed on the weekly Sabbath or on the Day of Atonement.  Then, finally, the count extends until the day after the 7th weekly Sabbath, or the 1st day of the week, not a day or two or three later depending on which day Shiva 6 falls on.  Well, I hope he'll have read my e-mail with an open mind.  I previously pointed out an error that he had made to him and he corrected it, so hopefully, he'll do the same now.

By the way, did you know there is a connection between the counting of the 50 days to Pentecost and the 50 years to the Year of Jubilee?  Both counts start the day after the Sabbath, one after the weekly Sabbath, the other after the 7th annual Sabbath.  Both require the count of 7 Sabbaths, weekly and annual Sabbaths.  The day after the 7th weekly Sabbath is the day of Pentecost.  The year following the 7th annual Sabbath or the 49th year, is the 50th year or the year of Jubilee.  Pentecost symbolizes to us the day when God's Holy Spirit came upon the Apostles and the 120 that were with them.  At that point they were all freed from slavery to sin and to Satan and free to be obedient to God's laws rather than being enslaved to Satan's laws.  So also with us, when we receive God's Holy Spirit, we are no longer under slavery to sin but have now become slaves to God's laws.  So also in the year of Jubilee when the Israelite bond servants were set free and they were restored to their heritage, they were no longer slaves or servants to someone else, but now have become servants again to their inheritance.  Man, also, lost his inheritance with God when Adam and Eve partook of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.  That inheritance was restored with the receipt of the Holy Spirit.  That's why God admonishes us that we must now walk in newness of life, being obedient to God and obeying His commandments, statutes, and precepts.

When that thought came to me, I was convinced that our observance of the day of Pentecost was correct and anyone that teaches or practices differently, was teaching and practicing error.

Well, I hope you were able to get all your tax work done for the quarter and that you're enjoying yourselves as far as possible.  I know that the snow won't be far away for you, if it hasn't already arrived.  The sniper is still very active in this area, but I have faith that God will protect me and my daughter as well as His other sons and daughters in this area from any harm that individual might do to others.  It's just another punishment on the people for their sinful ways.  If they would only realize that and change their ways.