

A Matter of Timing??   Or??   A Matter of Chance???

       Have you ever wondered if the New Moons or the First Day of the Sacred Months ever meant anything special to God the Father and Jesus Christ?   Have you ever wondered if the Hebrew Calendar was just some abstract means of telling the seasons with no real attachment to anything in God’s plan; with no real use if a better calendar (Roman) came along?  Many teachers would have you believe that.  Or, is the lunar calendar used in the Bible just an archaic method of keeping track of time that is outdated with no use today or in the future?  Is it just by random chance that God gave this calendar to a bunch of illiterate, ignorant people who could not understand anything more precise and culturally beneficial?  Do you sometimes think that it makes no difference at all whether or not you observe these festivals?  Do you think that observance of these days is not a matter of salvation so it really does not make any difference whether you observe them or not?

 I have found myself asking these questions and having no formal church position to help explain these questions, I was forced to find answers myself.  The only formal church doctrine existing was that these festivals were not applicable today in our society. The issue had been totally buried in Worldwide and still is in all of the larger groups following the breakup of the Worldwide Church of God.  Yet, many smaller groups associated with the broader Church of God have definite beliefs concerning how important the New Moon festivals are in God’s plan.  They have definite beliefs as to how these festivals can be kept in a new spirit, without animal sacrifices, and actually benefit the believers’ relationship with God.

  I decided to find out whether anything important ever occurred on these days other than a new crescent of the moon showing up whenever the skies were clear.  To my surprise, I found that many significant things are recorded in the Bible that happened on the New Moons or First Day of the Sacred Months.


Herbert W. Armstrong

              Many people have wondered why the church grew and followed a man like Mr. Armstrong for about fifty years.  He obviously changed back and forth on several church doctrines many times such as Makeup, Divorce and Remarriage, & Counting Pentecost.  He restored many truths to the church, but was unable to make a solid determination on the New Moons.  A study of the issues shows that he knew about New Moons and received counsel from such notable figures as Herman Hoeh, but the importance of these festivals was not realized.  The answer to why people followed him, no matter what, concerns his reputation for trying to follow and please God.  Without a doubt, Mr. Armstrong paid his dues and was tested for many years by God.  His autobiography details many of the trials he endured trying to be faithful to the Word of God.

            Mr. Armstrong led, even when he went the wrong way.  Unlike many ministers today, he would not play politics with the Word of God.  When he saw he was wrong he would simply change and go another way.  The common people never had to doubt that he was sincere in trying to follow God and get doctrine right.  He would stand and be counted.  He would not try to hide in the shadows and be a chameleon.  If he thought he saw an open door, he would try to lead the church through it.

              Having said this, I will preface the study to follow with two important quotes from Mrs. Armstrong. 

              Quote #1:  “Blow the dust of your Bibles.”

            Quote #2:  “ Don’t believe me, believe your Bibles.”

 Lets blow the dust off our Bibles and see what if anything significant was ever done on the New Moon or First Day of a Sacred Month. 



              Genesis is called the Book of Origins.  A check of the book of common usage will show that Origins can be called Beginnings.   A New Moon marks a New Beginning in God’s method of tracking his plan of salvation for mankind.  The first place we encounter the Sacred Calendar is in Genesis Chapter 6 where we start the story of the Great Flood.  When we put all of the account of the Great Flood in chapters 6-8 together, we see an interesting situation.   It appears that Noah was born on a New Moon on the First Day of the First Month of the Sacred Calendar.   Using Genesis 8:13 as the place to begin calculations, we find that whenever Noah was born, it was either on or before the beginning of the calendar year.  Some authorities believe he was born on the New Moon of the First Month of the Sacred Calendar.  They substantiate this partly because one translation of Noah’s name means “New Beginning.”

              Continuing, in Genesis 8:5 the tops of the mountains appeared, coincidentally on a New Moon.  The Ark had already landed on the highest mountains.  This New Moon marked the time when a significant amount of land was appearing.

              Genesis 8:13 shows that the earth had dried up on the First Day (New Moon) of the First Month.  This marked the time of a New Beginning.  Noah then waited inside the Ark for about 57 days before letting the animals out because of the mud, unstable conditions of the soil and lack of vegetation.

              It is worth noting here that the calendar Noah used must have been a calculated calendar.  Much debate has been centered around how to determine the proper calendar in the Churches of God, but the Bible gives no account to indicate Noah was going out on deck to take moon sightings.  He simply stayed in the Ark until the right time to come out.  John Ogwyn has an excellent series of articles concerning the Hebrew Calendar showing that the calendar was calculated.


Israel in Egypt

              I think it is important to note the first directive given to Moses and Aaron in Egypt.  It is purely speculative, but can you envision The Eternal, the great spirit being we know as Jesus Christ, telling Moses and Aaron under a New Moon;

 Exodus 12:1-2 The LORD said to Moses and Aaron in Egypt, "This month is to be for you the first month, the first month of your year.”

 Or as the Complete Jewish Bible puts it;

 Exodus 12:1-2 ADONAI spoke to Moshe and Aharon in the land of Egypt; he said, “You are to begin your calendar with this month; it will be the first month of the year for you.  Speak to the ALL the assembly of Israel and say, ….”

              Whenever Moses and Aaron were instructed on the matter of the Passover, we do know it was before the 10th of Abib.  The Congregation of Israel was to follow, a calendar based upon the moon and its phases.   The month of Abib or Nissan was to be the beginning of the year on this sacred calendar.  It is worthy to note the authority given to the highest officials, Moses and Aaron, to maintain this calendar.  This authority and the techniques for calculating the months (Part of the Oracles of God) was given to a specific governmental office (See John Ogwyn’s series on the Hebrew Calendar).  Also, the calendar was given to man for his use, just like the Sabbath was made for man Mark 2:27-28).


The Exodus

 1)             Exodus 40:1-2.  God instructs Moses to set up the tabernacle on the First Day of the First Month (New Moon).  This would be in the second year after they came out of Egypt.  Moses fulfilled these instructions (Exodus 40:16-18).  Moses set up the tabernacle on the First Day of the First Month (New Moon).


2)             The Presence of God rested on the Tabernacle on the same First Day of the First Month (New Moon) as recorded in (Exodus 40:2, 17, 33-34; Numbers 9:15).


3)             God gave specific instructions concerning special sacrifices and offerings to be made on the beginning of a new month (Numbers 28:11-15).


4)             God instructed Moses on the First Day of the Second Month, in the Second Year following Israel’s Exodus from Egypt to take a special census (Numbers 1:1-18).


The Feast of Trumpets


The Feast of Trumpets is to always be celebrated on the day of a New Moon (Leviticus 23:34; Numbers 29:1).  This festival pictures the time of a real New Beginning, the beginning of the reign of Jesus Christ as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  Matthew 24:30-31 pictures the time when all humanity will have this New Beginning.  The significance of the New Moon as a New Beginning undoubtedly entered into God’s decision to always schedule this Feast of Trumpets on the First Day of the Seventh Month.

 The Death of Aaron

              The death of Aaron is recorded as occurring on the beginning of the month.  When he was 123 years old Aaron died on the First Day of the Fifth Month.  This ended the line of priests that came out of Egypt.  Once again a New Moon was significant in a New Beginning.  The Israelites mourned Aaron for one month and on the First Day of the Sixth Month began their journey toward the Promised Land with a new High Priest (Numbers 33:38-39).  The death of the old priesthood marked the beginning of a new priesthood.

 Israel Prepares to Enter the Promised Land

              The book of Deuteronomy records what must have been the greatest teaching lesson and pep talk in history.  Moses assembled the Israelites on the First Day (New Moon) of the Eleventh Month of their 40th year of wilderness punishment.  He reminded them of their covenant with God ( Deut. 1:3).   He instructed them on this same day (Deut. 1:3-8) to enter the Promised Land.  The entire book of Deuteronomy seems to be an extension of this special day of instruction to Israel.  A New Beginning was taking place.

              It appears that Moses died on this same day and Joshua became the new leader (Deut. 34:5-9).  This change in leadership marked another New Beginning.  The Israelites then mourned the loss of Moses for one month.   Then in the First Month of the 41st year after they had came out of Egypt they entered the Promised Land.  They crossed the Jordan River and took Jericho during the Passover Season.



            King Hezekiah ordered the repairs of the temple.  The repairs began on the First Day of the First Month ( 2 Chron. 29:3, 17).  It is significant that this represented a new start, a New Beginning.

 Post Captivity

 1)             King Cyrus commissioned the Jews to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem.   After they arrived, they offered sacrifices on the First Day of the Seventh Month, the Feast of Trumpets (Ezra 3:1-6).

 2)             Ezra left Babylon on the First Day of the First Month with the decree from King Artaxerxes to free the Jews from Babylonian captivity.  He arrived in Jerusalem on the First Day of the Fifth Month (Ezra 7:8-9).


3)             After the temple was dedicated, Ezra read to the people from the Book of the Law on the First Day of the Seventh Month (Feast of Trumpets).  This marked another New Beginning and was the first time the Book of the Law had been read from since the Jews returned from captivity (Neh. 8:1-3).

 4)             A severe problem existed with the Jews having intermarried with the natives at the return of Ezra.  On the First Day of the Tenth Month, Ezra and other priests began deciding how to solve this problem.   This probably had something to do with the customs regard the revelation of prophetic events and consulting with God.  This was commonly done on the New Moons.  On the following year, on the First Day of the First Month, they formally rendered their decision (Ezra 10:16-17).


              The Bible records that God often spoke to his prophets concerning instructions and prophetic events on the First Day (New Moon) of a New Month.   Ezekiel received prophecy concerning the destruction of Tyre (Ezk. 26:1-4).  He also received prophecy concerning the destruction of Egypt (Ezk. 29:14. 17-19; 31:1-2; 32:1-2).

              Haggai received word that the temple in Jerusalem would be rebuilt prior to the return of Jesus Christ (Hag. 1:1).  This prophetic information came on the First Day of the Sixth Month.


The Return of Christ

              When Christ returns a new temple will be set up for the purpose of worshipping God.  These prophecies are recorded in Isa. 66:22-23 and Ezk. 45:17-18. Note that on the First Day of the First Sacred Month (New Moon) this temple will be purified.

Thus says the Lord God: “In the first day of the first month, you shall take a young bull without blemish, and cleanse the sanctuary” (Ezk. 45:18).  Just by chance, this New Beginning will take place on a New Moon.

              It is well known that many of the Prophetic Revelations came to the Major Prophets on a New Moon.  ASK YOURSELF!!  What will happen to the Church of God that Christ will be returning to if, JUST BY CHANCE, Jesus Christ really is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Heb. 13: 8)?  In Amos 3:7, we are told that the Eternal does nothing unless he reveals his secret to his servants the prophets.  What would happen if Jesus Christ would try to send a major prophetic message to the leaders of his church on a New Moon?  I think the answer is obvious.  The Church of God would not get the message.

              This idea is not that preposterous.  The Book of Esther records one of Satan’s master plans.  We have all heard Bible studies and sermons over the years on how Satan tried to thwart God’s plan of salvation by destroying the Jews and getting them to intermarry with other races.  Satan’s use of Haman the Amalekite to try to destroy the Jews was so serious and the deliverance of them so important to the Tribe of Judah, that they initiated a special festival called Purim (Esther 9:26-32; See Purim Link) to mark this supernatural deliverance.  The observance of this festival is commanded throughout their generations.


            When it comes to deception, Satan is really good, I MEAN, really good!   The successful breach he has created in understanding, concerning the importance of New Moons in God’s Church today, cannot be underestimated.  A tragedy of untold magnitude would occur if God’s People were to miss a major prophetic message just because their leaders were too proud to consider the possibility that New Moon festivals are meant to be observed by the church today.

 Why All the Confusion

              God is not the author of confusion but Satan is.  Somehow he was able to influence the thinking of Herman Hoeh and other church scholars into thinking these festivals really did not matter.  After all, we had the Roman Calendar.  Satan hates New Beginnings because he knows that very soon there will be a most important New Beginning.  Most of us in the Churches of God believe that Jesus Christ will return to set up the Kingdom of God on the Feast of Trumpets.  We arrive at this conclusion by faith and understanding that God is predictable (Heb. 13:8) and has a plan.  Satan has successfully created a breach in the understanding of God’s people concerning the New Moons.

               Satan must really hate this festival and the New Beginning it pictures and reminds Christ’s disciples of every month, because he has nothing to look forward to except his removal from power and punishment at Christ’s return.  Just as the weekly Sabbath Day is a reminder of Creation, the New Moons are a monthly reminder of the New Beginning for all people when Christ returns.


Post Hoc Analysis

              About 500 BC the Greek Philosopher Plato developed a classic work called The Republic.   This classic work in philosophy recognized that strong family ties and loyalty stood in the way of the Ideal Society (Satan’s Version of Society).  The effects of this philosophical approach to the doctrines of the Worldwide Church of God may be seen in an article by Herman Hoeh and manuscripts from the infamous SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY PROJECT.  An example of this philosophical approach and human reasoning, coupled with a latent anti-Jewish sentiment can be seen in the last official, written statement this author could find concerning doctrine toward the observance of New Moon festivals.  This statement is in the January 1961, Volume X, Number 1, Issue of the Good News magazine.  The entire article, How FAR Does CHURCH GOVERNMENT Extend into YOUR Life?, is a classic in philosophy but has little in it concerning scripture.  Now it does sound intellectual, but close scrutiny will shoot the entire article full of several holes.   In this article, under a section concerning the calendar, Dr. Herman L. Hoeh states it is not for us (The Church) to observe the New Moons, it is for the Jews.   The precepts of philosophy were used to reason away a most important point of doctrine.

            Only now that a general approach to searching for and trying to find the faith once delivered to the Saints and an approach in the church of trying to model Apostolic Christianity, have the doors opened to new understanding of the scriptures.   It would be a shame to close these open doors again.  An attitude reminiscent of the Bereans (Acts 17:10-11) should be used to approach the doctrinal topic of the New Moon festivals.

              Foremost would be the need to consider the validity of the New Moons today as a means for the leadership of the church to be available for prophetic revelation.  If we believe that Christ is very close to returning, it would be prudent for the leadership of the church to consider every possible way that they might enhance their relationship with the Eternal.  If there was any chance that Jesus Christ might be old-fashioned and stubborn; still using the period of the New Moon festivals for major prophetic revelations, that should be a primary concern of the church leadership.

              One of the goals of the leadership should be Divine Healing.  In 2 Kings 4:23 we see an example showing how it was a common custom to approach the prophet for divine instruction and Healing on a New Moon or a Sabbath.  We understand, just as the Shunammite Woman did, that sometimes it is proper to approach the elders immediately with the request for divine healing because of the gravity of a situation.  However, the novel idea existed that if possible, there were special days designated for the purpose of requesting healing.  This idea was passed down from somewhere, probably from the Eternal through the prophets.  It would seem proper for an elite headquarters staff of elders to gather all prayer requests and make a specific point of addressing God concerning these requests on a New Moon, even if proper anointing had already taken place.  This could be just one more extension of the principles of Servant Leadership.



              Can all of these significant events be just a MATTER OF CHANCE?  I discern that these events are not mere chance happenings!  The logical explanation would be that God is very organized and not the author of confusion.   He has a plan and it is intricately connected with the New Moons. The master plan of God the Father and Jesus Christ is all a MATTER OF TIMING.

              There are about twenty-two (22) significant events listed in the study above.   Figuring that the Great Flood happening in about 2319 BC, this allows for about one significant event to happen on the average of once every TWO HUNDRED years.  The skeptic will say, “NAW!!”  “It is just a MATTER OF CHANCE, once every 200 years or so?”  “Who are you kidding.”  PURE COINCIDENCE.

              What then is the answer to the doctrinal questions concerning the proper place of New Moon festivals in God’s Church today?  WHAT IS THE CONCLUSION OF THE WHOLE MATTER?  The doctrinal questions involved concerning the New Moon festivals test our approach to God’s truth and how we react to the truth God reveals to us.  It also involves our approach to God’s Word.  Do we use the Scissors Approach?   In my opinion Mr. Armstrong addressed the proper approach to doctrinal topics in his 1976 classic work, Pagan Holidays – or God’s Holy Days -- Which?  See Appendix A.  Just by chance, New Moons are mentioned within the context of this excerpt from the aforementioned booklet.

Danie7:20-21 “and the ten horns that were on its head, and the other horn which came up, before which three fell, namely, that horn which had eyes and a mouth which spoke pompous words, whose appearance was greater than his fellows.


I was watching; and the same horn was making war against the saints, and prevailing against them,”


Daniel 7:25-26 He shall speak pompous words against the Most High, Shall persecute the saints of the Most High, and shall intend to change times and law.   Then the saints shall be given into his hand for a time and times and half a time.


But the court shall be seated, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and destroy it forever.


            Yes, this false religious system has tricked people and changed Times.  Most of the world follows the pagan Roman Calendar and all its festivals, not God’s.  Most of the people of God have been led astray by this calendar system and the human reasoning Mr. Armstrong warned us of so often.  The New Moon festivals under the New Covenant would not require elaborate and costly meeting halls.  They would in no way detract from the commission to give the warning message.   Rather, these festivals could be observed as small family groups through festive family meals.  Proper guidance and balance from the church would be necessary in coordinating the calendar for these events and teaching about these festivals to return a lost piece of knowledge to the church.  All it would require to not change times, and not bow the knee to Baal would be desire and leadership within the church.  New Moon festivals are a most important piece of the puzzle, which has been neglected and misunderstood for a long time.  Are we ready to grow in knowledge?   Are we really ready to teach and hear the full council of God?




 Excerpt from 1976 Edition of:    Pagan Holidays -- or God's Holy Days -- Which?

Pages 2-4


Banishing Prejudice

          Let us honestly open our Bibles, and prayerfully investigate.  We are told to study -- not argue, not to refute, but -- to show ourselves approved unto God -- to learn God's will.  We are commanded, as Christians, to grow in knowledge as well as in grace (II Peter 3:18).  All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable to correct and to reprove us, where we have, through assumption, false teaching, or prejudice, been in error.


Most people have supposed that all the annual Sabbaths and feast days of Israel were done away.   And yet Church history shows that the early true Church did, for more than four hundred long years at least -- perhaps much longer -- after Christ's resurrection, continue to keep and observe these annual holy days given by God!

 And just as the Sunday observer is inclined to look, at first, upon any argument for the weekly Sabbath with prejudice -- as a heresy -- and to examine every argument only in an attitude of attempting to refute it, so it will be only human -- only natural for us, if we are not on our guard against it, to look upon any presentation of these annual Sabbaths in the same spirit of prejudice.

  But remember that "he that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him" (Prov. 18:13).

 Let us, therefore, in willing submission to God, to His will, with yielded hearts free from prejudice, with open minds desiring truth more than our own way, trembling before the sacred and holy Word of God, ask God humbly for the direction of His Holy Spirit.   And in this prayerful, submissive, willing, yet careful and cautious attitude, study this question -- proving all things.


Study This Twice

 Let us warn, too, that certain objections will be sure to come to the mind -- all of which, will be dealt with and explained later on.  But unless the reader is careful to guard against it, the mere presence of this objection in his mind will, to him, overthrow each point as it's presented -- and then, when the objections are later explained, the points made will not come back to the mind, unless the whole exposition of the subject is carefully studied again from the first.

 And in each case, the objection will be one of the very arguments used by Sunday preachers in attempting to overthrow the truth of the weekly Sabbath! For the weekly Sabbath and the annual Sabbaths stand or fall together.  The arguments used against the annual Sabbaths will be the identical arguments used to overthrow the Sabbath -- and if these arguments could hold, then they would abolish the weekly Sabbath! (For a complete explanation -- proving the weekly Sabbath is for New Testament Christians -- write for our free booklet, "Which Day Is the Christian Sabbath?")  Such arguments as "the annual Sabbaths are part of the law of Moses," or "they offered sacrifices on the annual Sabbaths," or "Colossians 2:16 does away with the annual Sabbaths," are not scriptural.

 For the annual Sabbaths were not part of the law of Moses, but were observed before the ritualistic ordinances contained in the law of Moses were given. Sacrifices were offered on the weekly Sabbath, but this does not do away with the Sabbath. In fact, sacrifices were offered on every day of the year (Num. 28:3).

 Colossians 2:16 refers, not alone to the annual Sabbaths, but to the annual days, the monthly new moons, and the weekly Sabbath.  Whenever the Bible uses the expression "Sabbath days" with new moons and holy days, it is referring to the weekly Sabbath days, the new moons and the annual holy days or feast days. The "Sabbath days" of Colossians 2:16 refers to the weekly Sabbath.  Compare I Chron. 23:31 with  II Chron. 2:4, 31:3; Ezra 3:5; Neh. 10:33; Ezek. 46:3. If Colossians does away with the one, it also abolishes the other.