By Jim Hamby

As an addition to my previous topic about New Moon Observance could be added Dr. Hoehs September 1960 Good News article titled " Does it matter WHICH DAYS we Observe"

 The following excerpts say a mouthful:

"Don't carelessly say: I don't see as it makes any difference whether i observe these days"

  " Nowhere did Jesus during His entire New Testament ministry ever observe the temporary customs of the law of Moses. Christ never once offered animal sacrifice. Yet Christ kept the sabbath and the annual festivals--and we shall see he commanded us to do the same.

But notice the example of scripture. Notice the inspired New Testament practice of God's Church. Notice why we do these things today!"

 "Here again is the New Testament example. What could be plainer?"

 "Example of the Colossian Church

   Did you know that your New Testament reveals the gentile converts at Colosse were keeping the anuual sabbaths, were following God's calendar, and rested each weekly sabbath? It is there and yet you probably never noticed it! The very scripture most often quoted against these days is, in fact, the strongest proof they were being kept!" 

  The scripture adhered to here is of course Col. 2:16-17 , whereas New Moons are mentioned .  In continuing:

   "The churches of God in Judea kept these days. They followed the example of the Headquarters church in Jerusalem. And the scattered churches of God in the Gentile world followed their example"

 "The Church of God at Colosee was following Christ-- doing the things He did, keeping the days He kept."

   Sounds like Christ kept the New Moon observance- Shouldn't we?

   "Those Gentile converts (Col 1:27) had been called out of the world-- called to separate from the traditions of the world--but they still lived in a world steeped with pagan superstition and custom. they were under pressure from their neighbors to give up their new-found faith. Their Gentile neighbors did not like them taking up Biblical practices. They did not want any Jewish practices developing in their community! They wanted everyone to continue with the traditions and doctrines of the pagan philosophers, whom the world respected. They weren't about to have their pagan holidays replaced by God's Holy Days, or their sunworship rites superceded by the weekly sabbath, or the pagan Roman  calendar replaced by God's calendar."

   "Colosee was a very ascetic community" .. "To keep everyone in line they brought social pressure, and instituted Blue Laws to keep the preaching of the Gospel from spreading."

  The article goes on to say that the pagans teachings were the traditions of men, not after Christ. In relation to this "Tradition of Men" compared to

Col 2:16 show New Moons are not a tradition of men but of God.


Continuing : " They did not like to see the Christians freely eating meat good for food,or drinking moderately, or keeping the sabbath and annual festivals. That is why Paul wrote, Let no man therefore judge you for eating or drinking, or in connection with the observance of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days. (Col 2:16, margin"

   " Here were Gentile converts, judged by relatived and neighbors, for doing the things Jesus did"      Notice Jesus observed the New Moons!

  And continuing "Probably most of us have taken for granted for years that Paul is writing about the law of Moses in Colossians that the newly converted Gentiles there were being led into Judaism. (See the plain admission of this in the Introduction to Colossians in the 'International Critical Commentary')

  Paul DOES indeed speak of Judaism in Galatians and Romans, but not here in the book of Colossians. Notice with your own eyes the startling proof here revealed-- proof that the converted Gentiles Colossians were being judged by their heathen neighbors FOR KEEPING THE DAYS GOD MADE HOLY "

   This revelation made in this article is pretty plain that the New Moon Observance is not only a custom of Christ but a time to be Holy.

As seen in the previous paragragh, the legalistic, nailed to the cross excuse and judaistic reasoning does not apply to the Sabbath, the annual Holydays and the New Moons.


  Continuing on in this article " The Colossians had been taught the gospel. They obeyed it. They were doing the things Christ did.

Christ was living His life in them as they yielded to him."  

  Are we if we neglect the Observance of the New Moons yielding ourselves to him?

   Continuing in the article we find an outstanding statement " The Colossians were no longer ascetics-- or in connection with the observance of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbaths, That is what they were being judged for -- in connection with the observance (as Moffatt translates it)-- of God's festivals, His calendar measured by the new moon, and the sabbath.

  The once-pagan Colossians never kept these days before! They were heathen prior to conversion. Now that they had learned the gospel, they were keeping holy the days God made holy."


 Notice Colossian 2:16 again that the verses are plural in dealing with ,sabbath, holydays, and new moons. Continuing the article " All annual holy days ARE annual sabbath! Notice that in all these verses the weekly sabbath are referred to IN THE PLURAL just as  (I Chr.23:31; 11 Chr. 2:4; 31:3; Ezra 3:5; Neh. 10:33), includes BOTH weekly AND annual sabbaths! If is abolishes one, it abolishes the other. But as it establishes one SO IT ESTABLISHES THE OTHER AS NEW TESTAMENT PRACTICE."

 Continuing in this fascinating article " But it is the responsibility of the Church-- the body of Christ-- to determine these matters! The church is to teach how to observe the festivals--to explain the meaning of self-control etc. So these little-understood verses ought to be translated clearly : 'Let no man therefore judge you--but (rather) let the body of Christ (determine it). Greek scholars recognize that the first expression 'let no man' demands that there be a subsequent expression which tells who is to the judging in this matter!"

 This seems to be a strong admonition to keep the observance of New Moons

not only for lay members but the higher echelon of the Church (For their duty is to instruct us how to keep them)

   In conclusion of this article  is the following admonition to us all in the Body of Christ :

 "Notice that at the return of Christ -- when he brings 'good tidings' and 'announceth peace' -- He also commands His feast to BE KEPT ONCE AGAIN (Nahum 1 : 15 and Zechariah 14: 16-19  and Isaiah 56)

  It is time we begin to follow Jesus' example and keep holy the days God made holy, instead of neglecting them!"