God's Appointed Times for the Year 2002 by Steve Bruns, March 14, 2002


MY OPINION of when the appointed times are for this year, 2002, for those who believe in the sighting of the new crescent, in Jerusalem, as the new moon.

The "abib" was found in the area of Jerusalem today, March 14, 2002. Which means the next "new moon" will be the first day of the biblical year. The report from the Karaites can be found at: http://www.karaite-korner.org/abib_report.shtml

A computer program from the Highland Church of God indicates there will be no problem sighting the new moon crescent on the evening of March 15, 2002. And checking with other resources, I am confident that this is right.

I have stated in the past, "I currently believe that the first "new moon" of the year cannot fall before the spring equinox." Well, today God revealed to me that I was wrong. The barley was not just in a state of "abib" but was not far from being ready for harvest. When you read the scripture below, Deuteronomy 16:9, you realize that Pentecost is counted from the cutting of the firstfruits, mentioned in Leviticus 23 also listed below, as the wave sheaf. The wave sheaf is cut on the Sunday during the Days of Unleavened Bread, the day following the weekly Sabbath. This means if we wait for another "new moon" to start the year, the barley would have to stand ripe in the field for at least another month and perhaps as much as 6 weeks.

In biblical times, there had to be a wave sheaf during the Days of Unleavened Bread. Even though we do not wave a sheaf today, we would want to keep the same time schedule used during the time of Christ.

Leviticus 23:10, "Speak to the sons of Israel, and you shall say to them, When you come in to the land which I am giving to you, and have reaped its harvest, and have brought in the sheaf, or the beginning of your harvest, to the priest, 11 then he shall wave the sheaf before Jehovah for your acceptance; on the morrow of the sabbath the priest shall wave it.

Deuteronomy 16:9 You shall number to yourself seven weeks. When the sickle begins to reap in the standing grain, you shall begin to number seven weeks.

According to scripture, recognizing the 16th of March as the 1st day of the biblical calendar year, the following would be true.

Passover: Friday, 29 Mar 2002 (to be celebrated the evening before, or evening of the 28th)
First Day of Unleavened Bread: Saturday, 30 Mar 2002 (beginning March 29th at sunset)
Last Day of Unleavened Bread: Friday, 5 Apr 2002 (beginning April 4th at sunset)
Wave Sheaf Offering: Sunday, 31 Mar 2002

Pentecost: Sunday, 19 May 2002 (beginning May 18th at sunset)

Feast of Trumpets: Monday, 9 Sep 2002 (beginning September 8th at sunset)
Day of Atonement: Wednesday, 18 Sep 2002 (beginning September 17th at sunset)
First Day of Feast of Tabernacles: Monday, 23 Sep 2002 (beginning September 22nd at sunset)
Last Great Day: Monday, 30 Sep 2002 (beginning September 29th at sunset)

Technical Note: The computer program mentioned above, calculates the “possibility of visibility” or “VN”, visibility number. Look below for more information about the program. It states that if “VN” is less than or equal to 88, the new moon will not be seen. Greater than 88 to 100, probably will not be seen. Greater than 100 to 112, probably will be seen. Greater than 112, it can be seen. The “VN” for the 14th of March is 174.4 and 221.2 for the 14th of April. The “VN” for the 7th of October is 135.7. (If you would like any more information about this program please ask.)

The program referred to above can be found at this site: http://steve.bruns.com/cbc96ii.exe It is about 500k in size and is a DOS program which is in a zipped file that will unzip when executed.


You can contact me at: steve@bruns.com

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