When he Returns, Will Christ Really Find Faith on the Earth?

By Tim Moore
3/17/01 Draft

When he Returns, Will Christ Really Find Faith on the Earth?

               First I would like to thank you for the opportunity to contribute to the study you have initiated concerning New Moons, and whether or not they are for us in the Churches of God today.  I would like to preface my comments with two scriptures, which I believe are pertinent.  About one year ago Dr. Doug Winnail gave a message, which was sent as a video presentation to all LCG congregations posing the question, “What will you do with the word of God?”  It is my belief that this has always been and will always be the root of all problems and questions surrounding doctrinal matters.

 Luke 18:8 “………. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man returns, will he really find faith on the earth?”


Heb. 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.


            As I understand the history of this question within the Church of God, Mr. Armstrong made the ruling that he could not establish that the New Moon festival was a commanded assembly, therefore it was not required to be observed, nor was it an object of doctrinal development.  This decision was made about 1957 as near as I can tell, even though earlier in his ministry he appears to have held a different opinion.  It is my understanding that he actually held bible studies on the eve of the New Moon when he was in Oregon.

              At this time in the emerging Worldwide Church of God, Mr. Armstrong was busy sorting out bible translations and restoring the 18 truths we cherish so much.  Somehow, an erroneous church doctrine of not allowing brethren to meet without a pastor present was developed.  Since there were not enough ordained elders to cover all the fellowships possible it was decided that New Moon observance was not for the Philadelphia Era of the church.  This erroneous doctrine concerning fellowship and Christ not being in the midst when an elder was not present influenced church policy for a long time.

              Nevertheless, this question has always been a problem and source of recurring controversy.  When we first came into the truth of God, I received counsel concerning a problem I had with certain topics in the Bible not being explicitly defined.  Some of these topics in the New Testament concerned the Sabbath, tithes, and Holy Days.  Mr. Steve Buchanan advised me that many things in the Bible are not explicitly defined and they require a lot of study and guidance by the church to clarify.  He pointed out that the reason for this was so God could find out what we were really thinking.

 One standard argument is always presented to establish the validity of the

Aforementioned cherished truths, namely the principles embodied in Deut. 4: 5-9.  These scriptures admonish us to be CAREFUL anytime we tamper with the word of God, interpreting, adding to, or taking away.  They admonish us to have respect for the source of our wisdom.  Further, the point is made that we are to be a peculiar people, noticed for the source of our wisdom.

              I would guess that if a question about the principles of tithing in the New Testament were put to any leading minister, that he could easily handle these questions and show that tithing is a binding law of God today.  He would also be able to qualify our beliefs on the Sabbath and annual festivals. These same ministers could also field questions concerning divorce and remarriage.  But, if you were to field a question about the New Moons, the issue would be either hedged or declared not applicable today. 

              Without exception, I have never seen any study or message, which is in favor of observing the New Moons until now.  Without exception, any study I have ever read has always been negative but oddly I have found that if the ending were changed, that this selfsame study would prove to be an equally, if not stronger case, for the need to observe the New Moons than to avoid these festivals.  We know that within the ministry there are prominent people who observe the New Moons, but their formal position does not exist.  The silence concerning this matter from those supposedly favoring this observance in contrast to the noise created by those insisting this festival is not applicable for the New Testament church age is deafening.

 Proverbs 18:17 The first one to plead his cause seems right,

                          Until his neighbor comes and examines him.

 We are not particularly creative people in Wyoming.  Despite an element within the ministry which has always insisted we do not need to observe New Moons, a significant number of us have persisted and tried to observe these New Moons anyway, even without guidance from the church.  We have never been able to quite swallow the implication that when Christ returns he will scrap the Roman religion and Roman political system but maybe keep the Roman calendar since we are all used to it.  Neither do we feel comfortable taking the scissors to Col. 2: 16 and randomly chopping out the part about New Moons and trying to place a separate understanding on this festival.  As your study points out, Christ will not do this, he will reinstitute the observance of the New Moon festivals.

              This does not surprise me, as I am one of those who believe that the Annual Sabbaths, those Eternal Memorials in God’s Plan of Salvation are somehow intricately connected with the New Moons.  Taking the opportunity to further remove oneself from the distractions of this world on the eve of the New Moon with a special meal and/or bible study has always seemed appropriate.

              This is where the study paper you have posted on New Moons becomes like a cool breeze in the evening after a long day in the field during harvest.  If one has never worked in the hay fields and suffered the effects of dust and the restriction of breath, it is hard to describe what that cool breeze just after sundown, during the twilight hours, really feels like.  This study is exceptionally well presented and documented with authoritarian sources.  It clarifies many points which until now, that I for one, only suspected.  The links at the end of your study which go to other study papers concerning the Covenant at Mount Sinai and New Covenant further support and open understanding as to how the sacrifices in connection with New Moon observance has been done away with during the absence of the Temple and a change of priesthood.

              I believe, this is foundational to the problem.  It seems there has always been confusion about this point, namely what rituals were abolished.  Yes, the validity of New Moons and their need to be observed today goes hand-in-hand with the same arguments supporting the Sabbath and annual festivals.  They are all intricately connected in God’s plan.  We have all heard it said not to throw the “Baby out with the bath water.”

              Your study paper suggests several things which will enhance the New Moon observance and should further our relationship with Jesus Christ and our heavenly father.   This is especially helpful.  This is what it is all about, developing that special relationship, as we are constantly taught and admonished, but the need to observe the New Moons, a vital truth and ingredient has always been neglected.  Without guidance and suggestions from the church we have always come up a little short on technique.

            To summarize, I do not  think the church has been CAREFUL, as Deut. 4:5-6 admonishes us, in analyzing and developing a doctrinal stance concerning the topic of New Moons.  The leaders of the many branches of God’s People would most certainly not consider that the Sabbath or holy days are not valid just because sacrificial offerings have been eliminated.  I think this problem involves a serious BREACH.  I have been studying a topic lately, which I believe pertains to this controversy over New Moons.


Repairers of the Breach

              We know that all things eventually decay, deteriorate, and need constant repairs.  The work of repair or restoration is absolutely essential or things just go to pot.  This process of constant maintenance and need for repairs is necessary in a spiritual sense too.  I came upon a term in the Bible called the Builders of the waste places, Repairers of the Breach.   In Isaiah 58: 12 these terms are used to describe a certain type of person.  I believe the work you are doing, presenting this study paper and pursuing a general pattern of reconciliation among God’s people certainly qualifies as Repairing the Breaches.

              A breach is a broken section in a wall or fence or some other protective structure.  All of us on farms and ranches know what breaches are, as we continually have to repair fence.  If a breach occurs in your house a thief can enter.  In spiritual matters a breach in a defensive wall is very serious.  Satan can enter and encourage God’s sheep to go astray.  God gives his people through his word a protective armor, shield, or wall.  These things are accomplished by doctrinal understanding of the holy days, Sabbath, statutes and judgements.  Continual patching and repairs are needed by the ministry to keep the protective instruments in place.  It appears to me that a serious miscalculation concerning the importance of the New Moons has created a breach in the protective walls God tries to place around his people.  This breach has caused untold havoc and mass confusion.  A continual failure to address this problem by those who should know better only makes the situation worse.

              In 2 Kings 12: 1-5, we read of an order in the seventh year of King Jehoash for the priests to take money and repair the breaches in the temple.  But, the priests were not really interested in repairing the Temple of God.  All of the funds brought in were spent on their private homes and own interests.  Surprise, God’s temple began to fall into serious disrepair.   Could not the extreme scattering of God’s people today be a result of the same type of activity?


            In the twenty-third year of King Jehoash the situation was finally addressed.  The priests were forced to cooperate in repairing the temple.  But notice that this deplorable situation went on for sixteen (16) years and only a serious confrontation caused the priests to do their duty.  It took conscientious and faithful workers to accomplish the task of repairing the breaches in the temple.  This same situation happened again during Nehemiah’s time as recorded in Neh. 3: 5-32.


Poor Building Materials

              Without quality building materials it is impossible to do a good job.   In spiritual matters the essential building materials are God’s Truth, God’s Law and God’s Word.  Yes, if a matter of doctrine is not according to the Law and the Testimony, there is no truth in it (Isaiah 8: 20).  Bogus builders and contractors abound by the dozens in the building trades.   Many buildings have collapsed because of these bogus builders and for quite awhile they actually looked quite good.  But, the end of these works was sure, bogus material and technique sealed the buildings’ doom.

              The analogy is the same in spiritual matters.  Spiritual swindlers passing themselves off as ministers use a pathetic array of human traditions, human reasoning, vain ideas, pagan practices, and outright falsehood to create a spiritual structure which will simply collapse.  Ezekiel 13: 1-14 is a prophecy, which supports this analogy.

              Some of the more notable breaches Satan has successfully pulled off would be the Marriage Breach (witness the divorce rate), Sabbath Breach, and yes, the Breach of the festival of the New Moons.  Your study paper makes it clear, the New Moons are an intricate part of a spiritual diet, which will enhance the believer’s relationship with our Creator.  These festivals were observed in the time of Christ and still should be.


People Will Leave the Fellowship

              Yes, this is probably true.  Most people in the Churches of God have strong feelings concerning doctrine and tradition.  They want to do what is right and this issue most certainly has pros and cons.  This argument has several inherent flaws in reasoning.  First we need to realize that the audience before the ministry today is very well educated.  They are well schooled and do not fit the casting image of the Beverly Hillbillies.  They want to see the Statement of Beliefs and Mission Statements for organizations.  They want to see what an organization officially stands for.   They will just not swallow anything thrown their way. 

            A better way to look at addressing what might happen if a doctrinal misunderstanding were corrected might be to consider that many people on the sidelines might recognize the sincerity of the effort to address the issues.  The argument that people would leave does not consider that the scattered flock might actually hear and recognized the Good Shepherd’s voice (John 10: 7-18, Notice verse 16).  This argument overlooks the fact that a scattered flock might be listening for the truth and trying to locate where they are in a maze of doctrinal confusion around them where all organizations look about the same.

              The argument that some people may leave a fellowship does not really take into consideration that followers of Jesus Christ must grow in grace and knowledge.   This argument may sound good but it ignores certain parables in the New Testament.  This argument would ignore the teachings of the parables (Matt.13: 5-8, Mark 4: 3-8, and Luke 8: 5-8) commonly known as “The Sower and the Seeds.”  This Sermon on the Seashore is not held in the esteem of the Sermon on the Mount but it does show there is a definite relationship between the preached truth and the audience.  Sometimes the reaction is not what we would like to see.  But, there is another aspect to this.  The parable of the Two Sons (Matt. 21: 28-32) shows that sometimes people appear to be reacting one way, when in fact a little time will show that they retreat to a wide place, examine the facts, and choose to obey.  Their ultimate objective is to be right with God. 

 The argument that people will leave a fellowship when doctrine changes is based upon the assumption that the People of God are not capable of examining the facts of an issue when presented in a study paper, looking at alternate arguments, and then reaching a conclusion.  The reality of the situation is that they must form opinions and show Christ what they are thinking.



Isaiah 58: 12: Those from among you shall build the old waste place;

                  You shall raise up the foundations of many generations;

                        And you shall be called the Repairer of the Breach;

                        The Restorer of Streets to Dwell in.


1.      A breach is a break in a wall.  An enemy may enter through it and through it an innocent believer may wonder off and become lost.

 2.      Repairing spiritual breaches is the responsibility of all believers, especially the ministry.  God will remove his blessings from believers or any leadership, which persistently shirks their duty.   Politically correct maneuvers based upon human reasoning will not cut it.

 3.      No matter what your profession, if you address a problem, you can become a Repairer of the Breach.  But one must expect opposition.  Satan is never pleased when Breaches are being Repaired or when Old Paths (such as the true understanding of the New Moons and their rightful place today) are being restored.

 4.      It is essential that the finest building materials be used: God’s Truth, God’s Law, and God’s Word.  Private opinions and human reasoning will not do.

 5.      False prophets may be compared to bogus builders.  In a time of trouble their flimsy spiritual structures will collapse and destroy God’s elect trapped within these bogus, doctrinal structures.

 6.       Many spiritual breaches exist among God’s people today.  The lack of a spirit of reconciliation, unhappy married life, the knowledge of the true Sabbath Day, the knowledge of the law of God, the real word of God, and of course a knowledge of the New Moons and their place in the worship of the Creator.  Believers who conscientiously try to repair these breaches will become known as Repairers of the Breach.

 7.      The Disciples of Christ will hear his voice and respond.



            I believe your study paper (Thoughts on the New Moon) has the potential to heal many breaches within the Churches of God today.  It addresses a missing element in doctrinal understanding.  The question of proper doctrine over the New Moons is one piece of the puzzle which Mr. Armstrong was not used in returning to the Church of God.   The burden has been placed upon his true ministers today, to face up to this problem and address it.  We have often heard how Edward Gibbon is quoted as an authority concerning the customs of the Apostolic Church at the end of the Roman Empire.  It is clear from his writings that Mr. Gibbon believed the historical record showed that the Apostolic Church had combined the Law of Moses with the Teachings of Christ.  One aspect of this new religion was the continued observance of the New Moons as documented in the book of Colossians and demonstrated by a logical analysis of the entire New Testament.

.             Any doctrinal model of Apostolic Christianity ignoring the issues concerning New Moons lacks credibility.  The simple facts are that the original apostles and Paul, all of whom Christ personally trained, kept the New Moon festivals, undoubtedly in a New Spirit based upon the teachings of Christ.  Without a doubt, the Apostolic Church must have quit the sacrifice of animals at the temple, as they would have recognized the change of authority in the priesthood.  But as scripture shows, by Paul’s example concerning his purification vow, it would not necessarily have been wrong or a sin to present a sacrifice.

              Over the years, the church has taught the concept of a Place of Safety.  I fail to understand the justification for the effort and speculation which has went into this topic when it is obvious that the issues concerning the New Moon festivals, commanded feasts as your study paper points out, has been consistently put on hold for about fifty years.  Human opinion and reasoning just does not cut it when we examine doctrinal issues.  The weight of the evidence favors a need for the observance of the New Moons in the Churches of God today.

          Keep up the good work..  I will be looking forward to the various articles both pro and con as they develop on your forum page.   This is a study, which many people will enjoy and profit from.  I personally feel that the issue of the New Moon festivals will set aside, as different, those leaders who embrace and explain this doctrine.  Leaders not addressing this topic and seeking to avoid controversy will actually take a position whether they wish too or not.  Some things just have no middle ground.  This is why Deut. 4: 5-9 admonishes the Israelites to be different, to be noticeable, and to be careful when tampering with divine instruction.  The issues concerning New Moons, Sabbaths, and Annual festivals move far beyond whether or not they are commanded.  These issues really involve seeking the real will of God and understanding that the knowledge of these days and chance to observe them is really a privilege.