Who Decides the Calendar?


Good News

January 1961

Vol. X, Number 1

 This is just part of the article.   We call this Dr. Hoeh's "one liner"


      How FAR Does CHURCH GOVERNMENT Extend into YOUR Life?


Through whom does God make final decisions in matters of Church

policy?  What is your responsibility under the government of God?


                        by Herman L. Hoeh



   Who decides the point on this round earth at which the new

moon is to be observed?  The surprising answer is, GOD DOES NOT


observe the new moon.

   God revealed His Sacred Calendar to the Jews.  THEY determine

where the new moon is to be calculated from.  THEY determine

mathematically when, in a nineteen-year cycle, the thirteenth

month is to be added.  THEY determine when a nineteen-year cycle


   THEY determine mathematically that no holy day in the Sacred

Calendar may fall on Sunday in the autumn.  That is why the Feast

of Trumpets, for example always falls on either a Monday, or

Tuesday, or Thursday, or Sabbath (beginning in each instance, the

evening before).  But it never falls on a Sunday, Wednesday or

Friday.  It is one of the irrevocable mathematical rules of the

Sacred Calendar God committed to the Jews.  We have nothing to

say about it.  We are under authority.  Determining the year is

not left up to any individual in God's Church today.  It is

determined by those who are responsible in the Jewish community.

The function of God's ministry today is to understand God's

Calendar and to ENFORCE this calendar today.

   The Jews have been required THROUGH ALL THESE CENTURIES to

preserve God's Calendar.  One can find the Sacred Calendar for

this century preserved by the Jews in "The Comprehensive Hebrew

Calendar," which gives in advance all the months from now till

2000 A.D.

   The ministry today is responsible for publishing God's

Calendar for the Church each year, but we do not decide for

ourselves when a month begins.   We do not decide what year is to

have 13 months and what year is to have 12 months.  These things

are not left to us, NOR TO ANY OF YOU.   But we do have authority

to bind God's Calendar on the Church.

   As to WHICH DAY a Festival falls, that is not left to your

decision.  GOD tells us WHICH DAY in the calendar any Festival

falls.  He tells us the Passover is to be observed on the 14th

day of the first month.  But He does not allow us to decide for

ourselves when the first month is.   That has been committed by

revelation to the Jews, just as much as have the Scriptures of

the Old Testament!

   The responsibility of the ministry is to bind these dates on

the Church in any matters of controversy.  But we do not

originate them.  God does!  When we see these things, brethren,

it becomes quite clear that there has to be AUTHORITY over our

lives when it comes to group functions of the Church.