A study by Glen Marshall

God expects us to have a lifestyle and attitude that reflects His family values that would be observed by other people (Rom 8:14, II Cor5:20, I Peter2:9-12). He has given us the example of our eldest brother to follow, even to the point of being just like Him (John14:21, Gal3:26-27, Rom13:14, I John 2:6). Here are some of Jesus Christ’s examples and teachings:

In all of this we are to manifest the sign that we are the children of God. (John13:35, John15:12-17, I John3:16-19, I Corth12:31-13:8, Eph5:1-5, Prov10:12, Matt25:31-46, Gal5:13-14, I Thess3:12, Heb10:24, Phil1:9) This sign we can take to an unbelievable level in our lives as well. (Luke6:27-36, Prov25:21-22, Rom12:9-21)

So here is a list that we can review and work at, to strive for the perfection that God would like to see in each of our daily lives.