Essential Beliefs of the Christian Faith

    The body of Christ, the church, is made up of people who over the course of time have settled into many denominations (groups), with slightly differing views on matters that are non-essential or non-foundational. An example of a non-essential doctrine would be eschatology, the study of the end times. Some folks believe that followers of Jesus Christ will be taken up into heaven (the rapture) before the Great Tribulation (pre-trib). Others believe that the rapture will occur during the tribulation (mid-trib). And, as you might suppose, others hold to the belief that the church will be raptured after the tribulation (post-trib). When asked about my own view in this area, I like to say that I am "pan-trib" - it will all pan out in the end! Seriously, our eternal security does not depend on how we stand on this issue, nor is the bible 100% clear on eschatology. It is a subject over which Christians may debate, but should not divide. Such division is often a source of scepticism by non-believers regarding the veracity of Christianity. If we can't show any semblence of unity around what we believe, then how can they be expected to feel comfortable with the truth of the gospel?

    There are some doctrines (teachings), however, that are at the core of our faith. There can be no wavering over these. When these essentials are compromised, the result is heresy. A primary example would be the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ. If we were to deny that Jesus rose from the dead, then he is no different than any other man, and we might as well keep searching for our messiah. To deny the resurrection is to deny His deity. As St. Augustine once said, "On primary issues, unity; on secondary issues, liberty; and in all things, charity. The list of items that follow are the essential doctrines of the Christian faith, as outlined in three creeds written by the early church: The Nicene, the Apostles, and the Athanasian creeds. These are the primary issues. Each is followed by a link to scriptural reference that supports the doctrine.

    We believe...
  • ...that the bible, both the Old and New testaments are completely inspired by God and are completely without error in their original writing.
    (2 Tim 3:16) (2 Peter 1:21)

  • one God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In this Trinity there is none greater or less than the other, but all three are coeternal together, and coequal. To believe anything other than that there is one "what," (God), revealed in three "who's" (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) is in error.
    (Matt 28:19) (John 10:30) (Hebrews 1:8) (Acts 5:3,4)

  • the Lord Jesus Christ, God's only begotten Son, His virgin birth, sinless life, sacrificial death for our sins, and His bodily resurrection.
    (John 1:1-3, 29) (Matt 1:18-25) (Luke 24:36) (2 Cor 5:21) (1 Cor 15:3) (John 20:9,19,20,26-28)

  • ...that man is saved by grace alone through faith alone, and nothing of man enters into his salvation; it is a free gift. Man's efforts regardless of how good or well intended, before or after salvation, have nothing to do with it.

    (Romans 10:9,10) (Eph 2:8-9) (Gal 2:16) (Romans 11:6) (Col 2:13,14) (Titus 3:5) the bodily, personal, imminent return of the Lord, Jesus Christ
    (1 Thes 4:16-18) (Matt 25:31-46) (Rev 19:11-21)

There are a two other doctrines which are of importance, with virtually the same universal acceptance as those listed above: We also believe...

For biblical evidence that Jesus is the Messiah, go here.

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