A study by Glen Marshall


It does not matter what you have been taught, what you have studied or experienced or what you now believe is true. Very carefully read and consider this study because it describes in honest detail (Deu32:4,Titus1:2) from the true source what exactly will happen to everybody’s life.

God created all physical things (Gen1:1-25,Psalm146:6) that will not last forever (Rev21:1). Human beings are part of the physical creation by the Creator that are different and special (Gen1:26-31,Job32:8,Prov20:27). As with complicated physical things in life, usually included is an Operating Instruction Manual. We have an Operating Manual that is so complete that it is even a Library (BIBLE, "Biblos" is the Greek word for Library) from the Creator (II Tim3:16-17), that should be read and studied (Acts17:11) for proper interfacing and direction. It includes and describes God’s Holydays that He wants man to celebrate (Gen2:1-3, Lev23:1-2) as they are an annual reminder of the outline of His ultimate plan for man. We are to use the entire library (Isa28:9-13,II Tim2:15,II Peter1:20-21) to understand each activity and subject in our lives.

The Creator made a diversity (Race, Nationality and Language) of humans (Gen10:1-11:9) that would one day be His Sons (John1:12,Rom9:26,Gal4:1-7,Rev5:9). Understanding this should help everyone not be racists and be careful in all relationships with all people (Rom12:9-10,Rom13:8-10,Matt5:44-48), because one day we will all hang out together, as the sons of God forever. Because of this process, things that are a mystery or a secret in this human age will one day be known when the participants are once more alive together (Luke8:17).

Every human being will die once (Heb9:27) but will come back to either a spiritual life to help Jesus rule the world, or to another physical life to see if they will ultimately chose to embrace God’s ways (Rev20:4-13). The choice has to be made by each and every person to accept God’s way of life (Rom12:1-2,I Peter2:9-10). If you do, you will live again and reside forever (I Corth15:50-58) with our Godly Father in a new universe, on a new earth and dwelling in the new city of Jerusalem (Rev21:1-27). If you do not want to accept God’s way of life and family values, then you will die a second time permanently (Rev20:14-15).