Don’t’ Believe Me……Believe Your Bible ????


The Lone Ranger & Tonto are camping in the desert, set up their tent, and fall asleep.

 Some hours later, The Lone Ranger wakes his faithful friend and says, "Tonto, look up at the sky & tell me what you see."

Tonto replies, "Me see millions of stars."

"What does that tell you Tonto?" asks The Lone Ranger.

 Tonto ponders for a minute, then answers, "Astronomically speaking, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets.  Astrologically, it tells me that Saturn is in Leo.  Chronologically, it appears to be approximately a quarter past three.  Theologically, it is evident that the Lord is all-powerful & we are small & insignificant.  Meteorologically it seems we will have a beautiful day tomorrow.

 What it tell you, Kemo Sabi?"

 The Lone Ranger is silent for a moment, then speaks: "Tonto, you dumb ass,

Someone has stolen our tent."

 I am always amazed at some of the forwards I receive.  How people come up with some of the things they do is beyond my imagination?  The Lone Ranger and Tonto parable cited above underscores a paradox within the Churches of God today.  Actually the inherent wisdom expressed by this parable underscores a problem that has existed for decades.

 Yes, just as Tonto failed to see the obvious, the majority of people in the churches of god lack the discernment to see the obvious.  They have been without an important gift of the spirit for so long that they no longer relate to this gift except in an abstract way.  Most can no longer relate to this gift in any tangible way since it has been absent so long.

 To illustrate this point let me ask, are you in the church of the unhealed?  Sad as it is to face; the simple truth is that the mainline splinter groups coming out of the Worldwide Church of God continue to foster an atmosphere, which has existed for decades.  The gift of healing is gone from the Congregations of God.  Yet, the laity lack to discernment to see that the protective hedge of God has been removed from the Congregations of God.